Everyone who is at least 18 years of age and looking for some nice chats is welcome! It doesnt matter if you're just looking for nice contacts or maybe friendships, you are very welcome.

To subscribe to this site, you should first go to Sexdatingpartner.com. Once you're there, you'll find a red bar with 4 options at the top of the website. Click on the last option: Register now for free!. A form will appear then with the title: Register now for free! Complete your details, and when you are done, click the button at the bottom: Register now for free!. You are now registered on Sexdatingpartner.com.

As easy as that!!

A profile picture is not mandatory for any of our members. However, it is a known fact that having a profile picture makes a nicer impression and leads to more discussion material, etc. We notice that members with a profile picture get more messages than members without a profile picture. Therefor we highly advise to upload a profile picture. However, you are completely free in this choice.

Your profile is strictly private and no one else other than you has access to your profile. This website is operated by BD Technologies AG. Personal information from users of BD Technologies AG products and services is treated carefully and safely. Company adheres to the Personal Data Protection Act.

Of course it is important that you choose a safe password so that only you can access your profile. The best thing is to take a password of at least 6 characters, including numbers. Do not include an existing password or personal information such as your birthday. Choose a new password that is not easy to guess for others.

When you receive unwanted messages and / or unwanted behaviour, please contact the helpdesk at: team@sexdatingpartner.com. When we receive your mail, we will act immediatly.

To send messages to profiles on Sexdatingpartner.com, you have to buy credits. You will find these credits on our website under the heading ''Buy Credits''. A credit pack is a package that you buy with multiple credits, the price per credit becomes cheaper as you buy a bigger package.

Sending a flirt also costs a credit. A wink can be sent free of charge.

Sexdatingpartner.com offers different creditpacks:

  • CreditPack 8, costs € 10,00
  • CreditPack 25, costs € 27,50
  • Creditpack 50, costs € 55,00
  • Creditpack 100, costs € 95,00
  • CreditPack 200, costs € 180,00

Sexdatingpartner.com offers these payment methods to buy credits:

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Bankwire

It may occur that the browser you are using does not open the site properly. We recommend that you try again in another browser. If it still fails, please contact us at: team@sexdatingpartner.com.

Send a mail to team@sexdatingpartner.com and we can help you out

A wink can be send to someone to attract his or her attention.

A flirt can be sent to show interest in that profile. You clarify that you want to know more about the profile and that you want contact.

You can delete your profile easily by navigating to "My account" page and then clicking on "Delete my profile". You can also contact us if you face any issues trying to delete your profile. Please send an email to the following email address if you want us to close your account team@sexdatingpartner.com. As soon as your account is deleted you will receive a confirmation.

You can submit a request by e-mail. You can find the e-mail address on the contact page.
The Website offers a Chat Service with the aim of flirting with Fictional Profiles, whereby flirting is understood to mean the exchange of chat messages for a fee of a certain amount per Chat Message. The Website works exclusively with Fictional Profiles and is not intended for the realization of physical agreements.
It costs you nothing. The merchant does not charge any fees. Your purchase incurs no transaction fee, no membership fee, no currency conversion fee, no foreign transaction fee, and no other fees. Your card issuer, however, may add a foreign transaction fee if your card was issued in a country different from the merchant's, as well as any other fees described in the terms and conditions for your card.